Posts in Mental Health
Chasing Fear Part 2

My eyes traveled to the red light on the wall by the door. I’d seen enough about skydiving to know about it. My brain slowed when it turned green. The next thing I knew, a jumper just kind of tumbled out of the plane, gracefully and intentionally, but still. . . he was there, and then, OH MY GOD THAT GUY JUST FELL OUT OF A PLANE. Like it was nothing. Emily and I both shrieked. There was definitely more fear in my scream.

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The Tales We Tell Part 2

We are creatures built of stories. They are what hold us together and what makes us fall apart. Our stories, when we share them with others, can weave us together into something shining and beautiful. What starting this blog has taught me, more than anything else, is that while we don’t all have the same experiences, we all have the same emotions. We’ve all been at the bottom of the well. And something that I think we need more than ever, especially when we’re at the bottom, is to know we’re not alone.

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The Tales We Tell Part 1

Where my writing for myself is a disorganized gush of words and emotions and memories, I’ve been surprised to find that writing for my blog taps into a deeper wisdom. It helps me organize and make sense of the myriad impressions swirling around in my head. When I’m done writing, I feel like a different person. It’s like the telling of the story shapes me as much as experiencing it did.

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Rising Above Part 3

The morning of Finals, we walked up to the Circuit of the Americas before the sun rose, my heart thudding so hard it felt like it was shaking my entire body. I looked at the amazing athletes around me and all my progress of the past year vanished from my mind. I saw myself once again as the quiet girl who wasn’t really good enough.

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