Posts tagged reading
As if She Were the Sun (You Should Leave a Comment if I Enjoy Tequila)

When Charles Dickens, an author I don’t even like, can write, “I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be,” how is it that half these dudes can’t write a single thing about themselves in a dating profile?

Instead, many guys can’t even express themselves clearly when given a simple prompt. Here are some of the great* responses to prompts I’ve seen over the past half year. If men are books, these may bite.

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Book 1: Days Before the End of the World (Kevin the Kidder)

The first time I created an online dating profile, I didn’t interact with a single soul. I watched messages from men come in and everything in me shriveled away from the whole kit and kaboodle. The idea that real live people were on the other end of those pictures incited pure terror. I quickly turned off my profile and deleted the app.

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Only Love (and Books) Can Break Your Heart

Online dating is like picking up a book you just came across in the bookstore without ever having heard of it or its author before. You have no clue what you’ll get. 

Maybe the cover (dating profile picture) catches your eye. We all know what you shouldn’t judge a book by. It might be very appealing on the outside and complete trash inside (I’m looking at you, “Fifty Shade Shades of Gray").

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